History: PC in Indonesia

As stated in the PC's official assignment brochure for the country...

"Forty-five physical education Volunteers served in Indonesia from 1963-1964 working with Indonesians in advancing their sports programs. The program was brought to a close in 1965 as a result of political upheaval and concerns for the safety and security of the Volunteers*...

In October 2006, the Government of Indonesia invited Peace Corps to send an assessment team to Indonesia for the purpose of reestablishing a program. A full assessment was completed in February 2007 and was followed up with a safety and security assessment in the fall of that year. Our respective Governments signed a new agreement regarding the establishment of a Peace Corps program in December 2009."


* Sukarno, the famous Indonesian military general, declared Indonesia independent of the Netherlands after Japan's defeat in World War II. Over the next few decades, the nationalist leader's policies gradually brought about a cooling of relations with both the United States and the larger, western world. The Peace Corps withdrawal from the country in '64 coincided with Indonesia's own withdrawal from the U.N. and its subsidiary organizations. The country only held its first direct presidential election in 2004 (pieced together from Wikipedia).